Cllr Robert J. Marshall 1960-2017
It is with sadness that we announce Cllr Robert Marshall of Wolverhampton Chess Club passed away on 1st November at the age of 57 following a major heart attack last month.

Cllr Marshall dedicated much of his life to the community where he lived and served on Staffordshire County Council for two decades and was a former Cabinet Member for Health & Social Care; he was first elected to South Staffordshire District Council in 1994 and was a former Portfolio Member; he was County and District Ward Member and Parish Councillor on both Codsall and Bilbrook Parish Councils. Cllr Marshall is survived by his wife of 28 years, Jane, and their two children, James and Hayley.
Cllr Robert Marshall won the Rock Cup 4-times in the last six years and was a well respected local player for many years and will be sorely missed. Our sympathy goes to his family at this difficult time.