e-Results Password Reminder
The WDCL website has a wonderful e-Results feature that allows users to report results electronically. There is a password reminder button for anyone who has signed up for e-Results but has forgotten their password.
If you have forgotten your password, you first have to select your username in the dropdown list and then click the “Forgotten Password” link. This will automatically send your password to your e-mail account.
If you do not select your user name first, clicking the “Forgotten Password” link sends a password reminder to the name that appears by default at the top of the username dropdown. That name is Hon Records Sec. I know this because I’ve received about 40 password reminders since the season started, none of which I have requested. (I know my password and use it daily.)
If you are still trying to get your password reminder and are getting frustrated that the functionality doesn’t appear to work, please try again after selecting your user name.