Data Protection policy
Wolverhampton and District Chess League (WDCL) organises competitive chess matches between member clubs and individuals through a programme of fixtures between teams and individuals in league and cup matches.
In order to organise this programme WDCL will ask member clubs annually to provide the following information:
1. Its name, address of club venue and day and time of club meetings. (The club details)
2. The name, telephone number and email address of the people through which it can be contacted, usually the secretary and team captains. (The clubs contact information).
3. The names, and ECF details of its members for the purpose of registering them to play in WDCL competitions.
WDCL will only use this information to:
1. Publish a handbook annually with the club details and their contact information.
2. Maintain a web site with the club details and their contact information
3. Publish league tables on the web site.
4. Publish match results with individual’s names and chess grades on the web site
5. Communicate results of individual games to the ECF for grading.
6. Publish games that individuals have sent for publication.
7. Provide statistical analysis of games played and performance records of players.
8. The club details and contact information in the Handbook and on the webpage will be updated annually.
The information provided to WDCL will be held by its officers on their computers and on the web page as detailed above.
Except as detailed above information will not be provided to third parties.
WDCL will use forms to collect the information for the Handbook, web page and registration of players. The form will include the authorisation to use the information as detailed above.
Information on the web page will only be entered by registered users, using a registration process.
Contacting us
All queries regarding the Data Protection should be directed to the WDCL General Secretary here
Version dated 25th May 2018 DF